Saturday, December 10, 2011

The obligatory 'welcome to my blog post'

To start off, a little bit about me.
I'm a twenty-something ginger who's just moved to Toronto from the 'burbs for school, and take journalism and poli sci at U of T.
I have my own place for the first time! :)
Vegetarian born and raised.
Completely sick of some of the "vegetarian options" out there (how many times have I heard "well....we have fries....or....salad).
Wonder why people assume being "vegetarian" means you adore all the yucky vegetables no one else likes (eggplant, anyone?)

I'm an avid foodie, and love living in Toronto! There are so many veggie options out here to discover, for the money spenders, the money savers, and the dirt cheap (shout out to all my fellow students!).

So I want to share my experiences and thoughts while living a vegetarian lifestyle in the big city!

1 comment:

  1. The vegetarian option on the Air Canada flight to Japan was an apple crumble. It was about a half inch of vaguely apple flavoured tar with something floating in it. On the other hand, I once told a flight attendant I was vegetarian because the fish course looked so disgusting. She gave me her lasagna. I was feeling guilty over that but, trust me ... the fish looked really bad.
