Saturday, December 10, 2011

Why I love Tofu

Ahhhh tofu.
I absolutely love tofu. Looove it. It's amazing as a meat alternative, especially in stir fries. 
Tofu is pressed soy bean curd, which makes it a great source of protein (which is harder to get then you'd think, as a vegetarian). It's a complete protein, which means you can eat this lovely meat alternative all by itself and still get all the amino acids you need. With ten grams per half cup, it's one of two complete proteins for vegetarians (the other is quinoa).

Also, unlike meat, the fat in tofu is unsaturated :)

Of course, all this health stuff is lovely, but the reason I love it is VERSATILITY!
Tofu absorbs the flavour of whatever you cook it with, so it's an easy way to add a ton of protein to every meal! You can fry it in stir fry, cook a couple pieces on a pan and add a slice of cheese. One of my favourite pizza places, Magic Oven, infuses tofu with green tea before sprinking these delicious bites on your pizza.

It also comes in a few textures, so you can buy it firm (best for frying and cooking) or silky (the kind of tofu you can get in miso soup, you can use it as a replacement for cheese in many recipes)

You can also buy prepared tofu. I looooove tofu in teriyaki sauce from Pete's Tofu personally, but if you want to give sweet tofu a go, you can buy dessert tofu. Pete's does a bunch of fruit on the bottom tofus that I haven't personally tried but I've heard great things about.


  1. Ah, tofu ... the backbone of vegetarianism, if that isn't an inappropriate metaphor. I love tofu, but it has to be extra firm. Other kinds of tofu are an abomination unto the Lord. I respect soft tofu in the same way that I respect the primordial slime from which the human race arose. In fact, I think it is the same stuff.

  2. Also, tofu weenies only taste like actual weenies as long as you are not eating actual weenies. After that, they taste exactly like weenie flavoured tofu.
